Clayman is a clothing brand brought to you by Anders Fridén and Mark Kowalchuk. Anders Fridén is a Swedish vocalist, an the lead singer of metal band In Flames. Mark Kowalchuk is a Canadian illustrator and graphic artist. He’s artwork has been visible on nearly every major snowboard and skateboard brand.
Guitar design #1: Black Witch
Guitar modell: LTD EC-256, Epiphone Prophecy Les Paul Custom
Produced: 2 pcs
Guitar design #3: Shipwrecked
Guitar modell: LTD Viper-10 / Gretsch G2622 PM Stremliner / PRS SE A20E
Produced: 3 pcs
Guitar design #1: Black Witch
Guitar modell: LTD EC-256, Epiphone Prophecy Les Paul Custom
Produced: 2 pcs
Guitar design #3: Shipwrecked
Guitar modell: LTD Viper-10 / Gretsch G2622 PM Stremliner / PRS SE A20E
Produced: 3 pcs